2023 Update -
This solution was featured as part of the Nov 2022 IHE USA Path to Production series (#6). That video is available here:
Radford EMS Protocols -
The Radford EMS Protocols app is a cross-platform Flutter app designed to quickly view, interact, and search through PDFs. The app allows EMTs to access the guidelines and protocols necessary for on-shift patient care.
This app builds heavily on the use of interactive PDFs. For example, a separate PDF exists for each year the protocol was updated / released. For future projects, additional PDFs may be created to satisfy different needs, such as locations, agencies, clinical settings, etc.
Customization / Scalability
All features in the Radford EMS Protocols app are similar to our WVEMS Protocols app, given they are both based on the same open-source backbone.
If you are interested in harnessing your own PDF guidelines and protocols, contact us and we can discuss pricing.
between pages using links on the Table of Contents or swiping up / down. Click on underlined text to go to a linked page. Press theHome
key to go back to the Table of ContentsClick the
icon to download other PDFs or to change between light / dark themesThis feature uses Firebase authentication and Firebase cloud storage, via FlutterFire
Use the bar at the top to
search PDF content
, including a history of your last 10 searchesFirebase cloud messaging
makes it so that the EMS agency can send the occasional push notification to its users