Flutter Servers

Sunday, May 16, 2021| Tags: Flutter, Dart, Server, WebApp, Google Cloud, Docker

This is a reproduction of the readme from the repo here.

Have you ever wanted to try and host your Flutter web app but weren’t sure how to do it? I like Dart and Flutter, and didn’t want to have to learn another language just to have a web server. Luckily, there are a couple of packages that already have this functionality. I’ve just detailed how they work, and how they can be placed in a docker container for easy deployment (including on Google Cloud!)

Quick shout outs to the following people for making my life much easier for this:

Get Server

This uses the get_server package.

void main() => runApp(
        home: FolderWidget('app/web'),
        getPages: [
            name: '/',
            page: () => Html(path: 'app/web/index.html'),
            name: '/redirect',
            page: () => Html(path: 'app/web/index.html'),
        onNotFound: Html(path: 'app/web/index.html'),
  • Note that the home argument is required (it tells the server where to look for the web folder). The GetPage and onNotFound specify a path to a webpage (which for us is all the same).

Shelf Server

This uses primarily shelf but also functions_framework.

Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
  await serve(args, _nameToFunctionTarget);

FunctionTarget? _nameToFunctionTarget(String name) {
  switch (name) {
    case 'function':
      return FunctionTarget.http(
        createStaticHandler('app/web', defaultDocument: 'index.html'),
      return null;


  • It is important to pay attention to the path for both of these servers. We specify app/web because this is the directory in the Docker container. If you want to run this directly without Docker, you need to change it to simply web.

Flutter Project

  • Remember, these simple servers are designed solely to host your Flutter web project. They both use the same setup, including the same Docker file.

Docker - how to setup the docker container

  1. Ensure docker is installed, to check run:
    $ docker run hello-world
  2. Take a flutter project that’s ready for web deployment
  3. In the root of that directory, run
    $ flutter build web
  4. Copy the contents of folder build/web (NOT the web folder - that would be too obvious) to the folder web in the server - currently they just hold an example of the startup app
  5. Paste the contents into the web folder (overwrite what is there now, although if you want to use the workflow of having OAuth done in an external window, I’ve kept the redirect.html file in the web folder that you may use, read more about that here)
  6. From the root of the server project, run the following:
    $ docker build -t projectName .
  7. Test it:
    $ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 projectName

Google Cloud

  1. Get Google Cloud account

  2. Create Project

  3. Note Project ID

  4. Enable Container Registry & Cloud Run APIs

  5. Initialize gcloud
    $ gcloud init

  6. Configure docker for gcloud
    $ gcloud auth configure-docker

  7. Build container in Google Cloud Container Registry
    $ docker build -t gcr.io/projectId/projectName:version .

  8. For the above, the projectId is your GCP project ID, the projectName is the name of the docker file that we had above, and the version is however you want to define versions in the cloud so in the future you’ll know which is which. For instance, if our GCP project Id is new-project-123456 our docker project was called docker-project, we would write:
    $ docker build -t gcr.io/new-project-123456/docker-project:v0.1 .

  9. Push container to cloud
    $ docker push gcr.io/projectId/projectNam:version

  10. If you go to your GCP console and open the Container Registry, you should see the container that you just pushed

  11. Open Cloud Run in your GCP Console

  12. Create Service, choose your service name, and pick your Region

  13. Select Deploy one revision from an existing container image, and choose the image you just uploaded

  14. Click on Advanced Settings, and under Capacity, change the Memory allocated to 1 GiB

  15. For testing purposes

  • Ingress: Allow all traffic
  • Authentication: Allow unauthenticated invocations
  1. Create!
  2. When finished, you will see a URL that will now be hosting your flutter web app

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